The cards tool has been completely re-worked. The synchronisation now takes a few seconds. The separation between binaries and ports is a lot clearer.
News commands added:
cards purgeflush old binaries and other obsolets files.
cards helpprovide an help about cards.
cards depcreateCompile a port and its dépendencies in the right order. Similar to the prt-get and depinst commands.
Additional man command: man cards and man cards.conf
Note: Following commands altered:
cards sync -i cards list -i cards info -iAre now more streamlined and becomes:cards diff -b
cards sync cards list cards infocards diff
Articles What's a port, How to build a package, Produce a customised ISO are review.
A new kernel is now available, we have migrated to the improved and more stable version 3.19.4, thus removing all problematic incidences.
A new long term support kernel 3.18 is also available. It can be installed in parallel on the standard kernel. It has just two links to adjust in the boot folder. (initrd and kernel).
The openssh service will not be implemented in the ISO anymore for security reasons. Hackers could connect remotely if the password was too weak. Even more so when the router is not doing it's firewall job.
We have a new article explaining how to create easilly your own ISO for distribution.
install-saravane is working again. Be aware there are no kernel installed. It checks the minimum requirements: uptodate bash, gawk and wget.
Support of cards and prt-get/pkgutils in parallel has been halted permanently. The ports of crux are compatible with cards but not the other way around. Under NuTyX, we keep the doc, we keep man pages devel in separates sub packages. If we use the ports of NuTyX with pkgutils, we quickly end up with big packages (kernel for ex ) and then the DB of pkgutils get saturated which make pkgutils very slow.
The other problem encountered was that the pre-install an post-install are not names similar under cards and pkgutils, under pkgutils, they are named pre-install and post-install. Under cards, they are named <name_of_the_package>.pre-install or <name_of_the_package>.post-install.
Section system becomes base
Section server becomes console
Section desktop stays desktop