I'm very please to annonce the new NuTyX 10.3 release.
NuTyX 10.3 comes with kernel lts 4.14.59 (4.9.114 in 32bits), glibc 2.27, gcc 7.3.0, binutils 2.30, python 3.7.0, xorg-server 1.20.0, qt 5.11.1, plasma 5.12.6 LTS (in 64bits) , kf5 5.48.0 (in 64bits), gnome 3.28.1 (in 64bits), mate 1.20.1, xfce4 4.12.3, firefox 61.0.1, etc....
A second kernel is proposed for people who want to use the very last version of the kernel 4.17.11
NuTyX 10.2 user's are invited to upgrade.
With the model release of NuTyX (fixed and rolling release, see below), five news ISOs are available in 64 bits and 32 bits. Sizes are from 296 MB up to 1.7G. They are available on the reorganised download page.
The 64 bits is available in "Fixed" and "Rolling" releases as a base and a MATE ISO.
The 32 bits is now only available in "Rolling" release and as a base ISO.
The LXDM session manager select automatically the session in case only one session is installed.
The EFI installation have been improved, but it's still experimental and limited.
Available graphical interfaces are: kde5, gnome, mate, xfce4, lxde, flwm, jwm, ratpoison, blackbox, fluxbox, openbox, bspwm, icewm, twm, etc.
This upgrade can be done after doing a small manipulation (see below).
It's no need to reinstall your NuTyX.
All the NuTyX projects (collections, cards and web site) are not available anymore on the github platform.
To beter reflect the model of each branch, the name of them has been modified:
NuTyX is now in 2 releases models
"Fixed" Release and "Rolling" Release
Number of officials collections is now 18:
To initiate the upgrade process, just type:
You stop the graphical server:
init 3
You just need to do:
del mesa sudo cards upgrade
You can reboot when upgrade is done